Bruksanvisning Clas Ohlson D-1231 Røykvarsler

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Ver. 201211
Smoke Alarm
Art. no. 36-5179 Model D-1231
Please read the entire instruction manual before use and save it for future
reference. We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and for making any
necessary technical changes to this document. If you should have any questions
concerning technical problems please contact our Customer Services.
Placement of the smoke alarm
1. The smoke alarm should be placed in the ceiling near bedrooms.
2. If the bedrooms are in dierent parts of the dwelling, a smoke alarm should
be placed in each room.
3. In a building with several oors there should be at least
one smoke alarm on every floor.
4. Make sure the sound from the smoke alarm is distinctly heard.
5. The earlier your family is warned the greater the chance of saving family
members and salvaging property.
Pull cable (e.g. oval wire SKF 2 x 0.75 mm) between the smoke alarms
that are to be connected. The smoke alarms should be connected in parallel.
Follow the colour coding. Connect e.g. black to black and white to white.
Do not put a smoke alarm in the following places
1. Do not place a smoke alarm in a kitchen with poor ventilation. Smoke and
fumes from the preparation of food and baking can trigger the alarm.
2. Do not place smoke alarm near fans or ventilation conduits. Smoke could
drift in their direction instead of toward the smoke alarm.
3. Do not place a smoke alarm in a garage. A car’s exhaust may trigger an alarm.
Place in ceiling
50 cm from wall
On wall 15-20 cm
from ceiling
Minimum protection
Recomended/extended protection
4. Do not place a smoke alarm in very damp places or a place exposed to
broad temperature variations. A smoke alarm should not be placed in an area
where the temperature is below 5 C° or above 40°C.
A smoke alarm should not be painted.
1. Remove the bot tom plate by turning
it slightly.
2. Insert battery and connect the snap-on contact.
3. Connect the optional interconnection cable
(see further instructions).
4. Press the test button and hold down
a few seconds to test the alarm sound.
5. Next check that the red light diode is blinking a
few times per minute.
6. Attach the bottom plate to the ceiling with the
enclosed screws. Then screw the smoke alarm
tightly to the bottom plate.
Alarm Pause
Silence your smoke alarm for approx. 10 min by momentarily pressing the test
button. Ideal when non-emergency smoke (e.g. steam) causes nuisance alarms.
Two signals are heard when the smoke alarm
automatically resets after 10 minutes.
Test and care
1. Test the smoke alarm at least once every month, and preferably once per
week, e.g., when you house clean.
2. Always test the smoke alarm after returning from holidays or after being away
for a prolonged period. The smoke alarm can be tested with the test button.
3. The smoke alarm sounds as long as the test button is pressed down or as
long as there is smoke in it.
4. Make sure the battery is correctly positioned Replace battery if the smoke
alarm makes no noise.
5. Below the test button is a red diode that blinks 1-2 times per minute.
It shows that the smoke alarm is working.
6. Wipe the surface of the smoke alarm with
a slightly moist cloth when needed. When
cleaning house, the smoke alarm may be
vacuumed slightly as you do house cleaning.
Changing batteries
A normal battery lasts for about one year. About one month before the battery is
completely discharged, the smoke alarm will start to emit short signals at about
one-half minute intervals. It is then time to replace the battery. Once this is done
the detector will start working again.
Battery: 9V standard or alkaline battery, e.g., Duracell MN 1604,
Eveready no. 22, 1222 or 216, Gold Peak 1604 P or Ultralife U9VL-J.
Always test the smoke detector after replacing the battery.
Control lamp Sound
Battery OK Blinks 1-2 times/min.
Battery change
Blinks 1-2 times/min. 1 short beep every minute for
30 days.
Alarm activated Blinks continuosly.* Continuous alarm signal.
* Smoke detected by the ionisation chamber is indicated with green LED.
Smoke detected by the optical chamber is indicated with red LED.
The smoke alarm has a 5-year guarantee calculatedfrom day of delivery.
The guarantee covers material and manufacturing flaws and is limited to new for
old or repairs. The guarantee is valid provided only that the instructions are followed.
Return a defective smoke alarm to vendor or importer (address below) with
indication of defect and battery.
Follow local ordinances when disposing of this product. If you are unsure about
how to dispose of this product contact your municipality.
Announcement from (Swedish)
Radiation Safety Centre
This smoke detector contains a small amount of radioactive substance –
americium 241.
The Swedish Radiation Safety Centre has investigated and approved
the radiation safety of this type of smoke detector. In said test, normal use
of the smoke detector does not expose humans to doses harmful to
the health.
Normal use entails:
Correct choice of where to place the detector.
Smoke detector is used in frequented places
Proper care of smoke detector, e.g., instructions for replacing battery
and for cleaning are followed.
The smoke detector must not be used by children. The smoke
detector may be disposed of with the household rubbish.
The approval number of the Swedish Radiation Safety Centre and
the importers address are on the label on the smoke detector.
EN 14604: 2005
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Merke Clas Ohlson
Modell D-1231
Kategori Røykvarslere
Filtype PDF
Filstørrelse 0.34 MB

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Vårt supportteam søker etter nyttig produktinformasjon samt svar på ofte stilte spørsmål. Hvis du finner en feil i våre ofte stilte spørsmål, vennligst gi oss beskjed ved å benytte vårt kontaktskjema.

Hvor skal jeg plassere røykvarsleren? Verifisert

Dette avhenger av situasjonen, men i et hjem er det best å plassere minst en røykvarsler i hver etasje. Prøv å plassere dem i ganger eller andre rom som forbinder forskjellige rom, og plasser aldri røykvarsleren rett ved siden av et kjøkken eller bad. Hold også minst 30 centimeter mellom en røykvarsler og en lampe.

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Kan jeg bruke stearinlys hvis jeg har røykvarsler? Verifisert

Dette avhenger delvis av følsomheten til røykvarsleren. I mange tilfeller kan et lys brukes så lenge det ikke plasseres i nærheten av røykvarsleren. Når du blåser ut lysene, kan det genereres røyk som kan utløse røykvarsleren.

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Er en røykvarsler det samme som en karbonmonoksiddetektor? Verifisert

Nei! En røykvarsler vil ikke fungere som en karbonmonoksiddetektor og omvendt.

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Bruksanvisning Clas Ohlson D-1231 Røykvarsler

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